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Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence (EMBODI) was created as the signature program of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc’s 24th National President, Cynthia M.A. Butler-McIntyre.  EMBODI is designed to refocus Delta’s efforts to collaborate with other established organizations and agencies to address the plight of our African American males. The EMBODI program provides a continuum of services that address the specific needs of African-American males.

Both informal and empirical data suggests that African American males continue to be in crisis educationally, socially, and emotionally. EMBODI is designed to address these issues through dialogue, recommended strategies, programs and activities.


The goals of EMBODI are to expand the horizons of young African American males by cultivating a personal vision for their lives; to provide tools for young African American males to attain a higher quality of life; to provide a young African American males with an awareness of various college and career options so that they can make rewarding life choices and decisions; and to create community-minded young African American males by actively involving them in service learning and community service opportunities.


This program serves as a motivational tool for African American teenage males 13 – 17 with the ultimate goal of increasing their knowledge and awareness of issues affecting young men today. The EMBODI Program will meet on the third Saturday of each month. Dates may fluctuate depending upon holidays and special program activities.

P.O. Box 74543, Fort Liberty, NC 28307

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This website is the sole property and responsibility of the

Fort Liberty Area Alumnae Chapter of

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated

PO Box 74543

Fort Liberty, NC 28307

© All Rights Reserved 

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